2012年1月8日下午,中国科大管理学院客座教授为管理学院师生作了题为“Enterprise Systems: State-of-the-Art and Future Trends”学术讲座。许教授的报告站在学术的前沿,深入浅出,与会师生普遍反映收获多。
Li Da Xu is a Changjiang Chair Professor designated by the Ministry of Education of China. He is the Founding Chair of the Enterprise Information Systems Technical Committee of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society and Founding Chair of IFIP TC 8 WG8.9. He is also a research professor at the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a visiting professor of MIT, USA, a visiting professor of the University of Science and Technology of China, and an eminent professor of information technology at the Old Dominion University (a former branch campus of the College of William and Mary and Virginia Polytechnic Institute), USA. Dr. Xu is the Editor-in-Chief of multiple major publications on enterprise systems launched by the world’s premier publishers. These publications include: Enterprise Information Systems journal (Taylor & Francis), Advances in Enterprise Information Systems Series (Taylor & Francis), and Advances in Systems Science and Engineering Series (Taylor & Francis).